360⁰ Feedback Assessment Service

Measuring individual performance is an essential exercise for any organization or team. Doing it effectively is another story altogether. It is vital for managers and team members to unearth positive motivational triggers, shine a light on core individual goals, and isolate those things that drag down organizational performance. Mary’s 360⁰ Feedback Assessment can enhance any organization’s performance management processes by helping individuals identify their own strengths and weaknesses through the lens of personal development. The 360⁰ Feedback Assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation of fundamental behaviors essential to organizational effectiveness, and is proven to:

  • Assist with succession planning
  • Increase employee motivation
  • Link individual objectives with business objectives
  • Identify high performers
  • Create customized developmental plans

Mary has developed a customized 360⁰ Feedback Assessment tool based on Best Practices in leadership development. This assessment includes Core Leadership Competencies and related Key Performance Indicators and contains a commentary section for additional value-added feedback. Mary’s 360⁰ Assessments are tailored to address both organizational and individual development needs.

Ready to get started? Contact Mary to learn how your organization can benefit from this invaluable service.